Thursday, November 11, 2010


Ask alex, I am a water fall cynic, but Niagra took my breath away.  I was just in Toronto for a business trip, which took me to the fantastic town of Niagra and the falls themselves.  From my 16th floor room at the double tree I could see one half of the falls and the amazing mist which they create.

In a half hearted attempt to rid myself of a hangover I went for a run down to the falls and was blown away.  They are big, I mean kind of huge.  The air had that great crisp early winter chill where just breathing feels like it is doing your body good.  The water is the color of liquid jade, and the mist is freaking amazing.  Actually, I think I will let the photos do the rest of the talking...


Sometimes life tires me out.  Getting on my plane from Bush internat'l to Costa Rica two nights ago I was struck just how f'n tired I am right now.   Leaving the life of a paid wanderer behind I thought would provide a bit more stability but the last three weeks have been anything but stable.  Not that I can complain, I've been surrounded by friends, been inspired by the company I work for, been more excited and enthusiastic than I've felt in a LONG time, and drank a wee bit too much.  And maybe that is exactly why I am tired.  Living life to the extremes tires a person out.  I spend so much time running from place to place like a crazy woman, drinking it all in, but everyone needs a pause, a break, a moment of stillness.

Traveling for a living has taught me this.  To search out that place between breaths, between places, between people.  To search for a quiet spot in the in between.  I am learning how much I need this to survive.  How I need to make a little time each day where I am alone, not talking, not working, not really doing anything.  And how stopping for a moment we realize the absolute beauty which surrounds us.